How to find us
Lennoxlove House is easily accessible and is only a few minutes' drive from the ancient town of Haddington (20 miles east of Edinburgh). The entrance gates to Lennoxlove House can be found on the B6369. Enter and follow the driveway to the visitor parking area. A designated disabled parking and drop-off area will also be available beside Lennoxlove House.
The post code for Lennoxlove is EH41 4NZ.
Bus from Edinburgh
Firstbus runs a service from Edinburgh to Haddington - the X6/X8 and 106 routes will bring you to the Market Street bus stop, where you will be able to pick up the Shuttle Bus.
Council PDF of East Lothian Transport Options
First Bus - Friday timetable
First Bus - Saturday timetable
First Bus - Sunday timetable
Perrymans also runs their 253 service from Edinburgh Bus Station, stance 8, to Berwick, with Haddington as the first stop. You will be dropped off at the High street Bus Stop and it's just a quick walk across to Market Street to pick up the Lennoxlove Shuttle Bus.
Perrymans time table
Shuttle Bus and Car Parking
We have been working with Lennoxlove House and East Lothian Council to help improve the car parking during the Book Festival. You can take advantage of the free bus service to Lennoxlove House and leave your car at home or in town. A free Park and Ride bus service will operate for the duration of the Festival from the East Car Park in Neilson Park Road in Haddington, with an additional stop at the Market Street bus stop. Shuttle bus timetable details will be available here and in the East Lothian Courier the week prior to the Festival.
Our pre-booked car parking period is now over, as we cannot guarantee delivery before the Festival. The £3.00 parking fee can paid on arrival at the driveway entrance, subject to availability.
Shuttle Bus Timetable
Lennoxlove Book Festival 2013 Shuttle Bus Timetable
Taxis in the Haddington Area
Colin's Cabs - 01620 825 825
Johnny's Cabs - 01620 826 222
Abbey Taxis - 01620 824 824
Fortune Travel Services - 01620 811 115
Cycling and Walking
A cycle and walking path now runs from Haddington to the North Entrance of Lennoxlove House. This can be picked up at the River Tyne Path in Haddington (Core Path 260). Cross the Stevenson Bridge (Core Path 6) to the newly constructed core path (340) towards Grants Brae; the old well used by Robert Burns mother, where the path emerges from the wood close to the B6368, it’s possible to cross the road with care, and enter the Lennoxlove estate via the north entrance.
East Lothian is a very popular cycling destination and there are many cycle routes to Haddington detailed in this map, downloadable from East Lothian Council’s website: Cycle routes of East Lothian.
The Dunbar Cycling Club are planning an organised ride from Dunbar to Lennoxlove Book Festival on Sunday 4th November – contact them for more details. Dunbar Cycling Club Website
Lennoxlove Book Festival has a designated (unsecured) area for cycle parking.